Sunday, February 27, 2011

Immigration Today!


In this video you will see what Barack Obama talking about immigration and what they should do to be fixed and be a part of the United States. Barack Obama doesn’t no agree or disagree with migration I’m just guessing he wants it to be fixed as fast as possible. I agree with him as well I don’t think we should be sending ever migrate home because there already there and they should leave everything they worked for and go back to nothing they worked hard to get to where they are and they should get a chance to show why they should stay even if they don’t have legal papers because sooner or later they well get it. So from this video I learned not just immigration people need to get a chance but for everyone else as well. ENJOY THE VIDEO!

Life as an immigrate!

I will never forget they day I moved here I still remember it just like if it was yesterday. it was 1903 a Thursday when my dad came back from the potato’s farm telling mom to pack our things because he found out a way for us to leave to the untied stats I wasn’t so happy to go since I was so used to living in Irish but my family said this was for the best of everyone so I had no choice that same night I was helping my family packing to leave the next morning that didn’t give us much times but we made the best of it. After we packed what we thought was right since we could not take so much stuff with us we had our last family meal since we were leaving the morning.

Friday morning my mom woke us up very early to get ready to leave I honestly don’t no was I was doing at that time things happened so quickly I just got ready and went in the car of my dad’s friends since he was the one who was going to us it was only our family inside the car and once we got there we started seeing other people. I didn’t no even one so I just stayed with my only brother I had josh he was a good guy who loved playing anything me and him would just start making games up just so the time would go by fast not many things happen on the bought like I said I didn’t no anyone. a few weeks later we made it to this island were we took a break to explore what was coming it was a small town with very few things but I didn’t want to judge and be rude so I just went alone with it.

Monday July 9th 1903 we finely made it to Unites States. I was really happy that we finely made it to the a place called New York we lived in a 1 bedroom apt. where my mom and dad slept in that room and I and my brother would sleep in the living room it was way much better than my old house were I had to sleep on the floor with no roof. Life in New York was pretty hard but better then Irish and we had much more freedom then before.

July 20, 1903 today is my first day at school and I very nerves am wondering how school is over here and am wondering if anyone would talk to me or be my friend I guess where just going to have to figure that out. when I entered the school everything was normal nobody said anything to me or agents me I was very happy with school because I wanted to show my family that I could be something important with my life and I could make a difference my family always believed in me and followed my chooses that why I was doing this for me and my family and to show everyone that we had a great reason for moving not just so that I can get a education but also for freedom on our own.

Moving to the United Stats

 Life in Ireland was cruel; immigrating to America was not easy ether it was known to as the "American Wake" for these people who would never even see Ireland again. All started in the 19th century when many people left Irish for a better life. many things started happening in Irish that not many agreed with and if they would fight back they would be over took by the people who were in charge not many people had jobs ether some did which would be in the farms with little amount of everything but they still made it. what a lot of people started doing was leaving Irish to go to the United Stats  because a lot of people heard life there was easy and they didn’t have to go though so much so many people got there families and left to the United Stats .

In 1816 over 6,000 Irish people sailed to America. And after 2years it doubled. Even though it took them many weeks to get to the United Stats  they still did it and made it there as well. they would have to go through so much to get there stopping in a lot of places with not much food and people that they might not even no. Over all they cared about was making it to the place they  no freedom was there New York.

When they made it to the United Stats  the Ireland would leave in a place where not many people lived mostly the ones they emigrated with just so they won’t be caught and have they sent back. the men would work in anything they pays and so would women even though most of them stayed home as house wife’s but for them men all they cared about was having enough money for them to survive they would be please with it. They didn’t work in big company’s since they were emigrates but they still had job which was the important part.
Life was different for mostly everyone who moved to the United Stats  with different things exposing in front of them just like religion schools and other things as well not many changed their ways but for the kids they sure did since schools in the United Stats  has more information then there schools back in Irish they knew more. This is a good thing for them since they didn’t no so much before.

I think leaving your home for a better life is a good thing and that if I had my chance to leave my home left in Irish with everything that was going there I would probably do the same so I agree with most families that leave for a restart in their life I believe there making the right choose on leavening before they changes goes away.