Friday, March 25, 2011

My friends blogs

Carlos talks about the life stail of the indians befor and after the whites came. the indias had a pace full life styel but wen the whites came the were forst to faigt for there lands. And so the peace full life styel ended wen the whits came.

she rout that the white people belived that they were all ways rayt and so they never considerd what the indians wanted. that it completly un fear and incosederet.

arshad talkt about the name chang and an ho wun fear it was. the indians had to chang their name so the cud be accepted it was hard for the to chang they grow up with that name. i realy like thes blog it was very interesting and true.

Stephanie Rivera:
she talkt about puting youre self in the indians place and pasing all dous experinses. i realy liket it it was very inspaoring and its good to lear from there perspective.
raymon talkt about the whites taiking contro of all of the indians land. for the gold and lande to sale. i lke it becaused it was realistik and it got to the point.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Abuse of the Indians

The Indians have been passed threw so many things that still to this day it affects them in a very hard way. They have been moved from their land “the black hills” by fours and not by their own will that by itself is horrible. They had to be converted into Christians so that they cud be accepted. From their home in the black hill they were moved to reserves that had poor living conditions and many feel ill to disease.

Grant and other leader triad to bribe red cloud so that he would sign their contracts and hand over there land but the whites never kept their word. They trick red cloud into signing their contract but he did sign the other one they had for them. Sitting bull was more stubborn in terms of dialing with the whites he did like the idea of the changing there culture so he never sign anything. Even if grant thought that it was for their best interest to sale their lands and getting money out of it.

They were fours to convert to a deferent religion if not they were not accepted in the community. They had to use a Christian if not they would be ignored until they chose one. That is not something that you can let go that easily many had trouble changing their name. But after they did they would be treated normally.

The worst part of all was that they fours to live in the reserves with terrible living conditions and disease the kill most of the Indian that staid there. Many Indian fell to illnesses in dowse reserves and they weren’t really that happy there they cud not hut, they were cut off from nature and away from their home. There weren’t that many supplies for the doctors all they had was liker so that they would not feel the pain.

The Indians still suffer from all of these experiences and they are still not treated the same way as whites. It is very sad when you think about it all this people taken away from their homes and being fours to change their way of life that you have kept for so many years id cud have not been easy. so even do the whites treed to help them in the end the damage was done that is something that cannot be forgiven.  

Friday, March 18, 2011

My Class!

In arshads blog i learned that he came from a different backround then others and that he went though alot to get where he is and from the video of the women which was asked many question before they let her traspass to the states.

In elsa's blog I learned about the backround where she came from in ecuador and what her family went thought to go to the states and how they got there i learned so much from the backround of ecuador and alot of things i never noe before.

In carlo's blog I learned that europe wanted the jews out from the states and they would kill people if they didnt leave so the Jews started denying there religion so they can stay even though most of them left or got kicked out.

In angles blog I learned about the Irish and how the potatos had desies and lots of people died from them so thats why the left to New York for a better job and a better life as will for them and there familys to be away from harm in Irlend.


My cousin had problems when she was in puerto rico so she had to move to the united stats she had her legal papers when she went to Miami all so she can have a better life for her and her family.

I miss her now that she moved but I understand that she had to go when she finely made it there she called and told me all about her traveling there and how the people where nice but very different and how she got her job very quick since it's easy to find work there.

At the end she found everything her way a guy walked into her life and a nice paying job which she called a better life I still hear from her now and then but I'm really proud of my cousin and her choose.