Friday, March 25, 2011

My friends blogs

Carlos talks about the life stail of the indians befor and after the whites came. the indias had a pace full life styel but wen the whites came the were forst to faigt for there lands. And so the peace full life styel ended wen the whits came.

she rout that the white people belived that they were all ways rayt and so they never considerd what the indians wanted. that it completly un fear and incosederet.

arshad talkt about the name chang and an ho wun fear it was. the indians had to chang their name so the cud be accepted it was hard for the to chang they grow up with that name. i realy like thes blog it was very interesting and true.

Stephanie Rivera:
she talkt about puting youre self in the indians place and pasing all dous experinses. i realy liket it it was very inspaoring and its good to lear from there perspective.
raymon talkt about the whites taiking contro of all of the indians land. for the gold and lande to sale. i lke it becaused it was realistik and it got to the point.

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