Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Top 10.

1. Staphanie Ruiz
 Females have the same rights as men and they could do anything they want in life.
2. Jan Paul
Veterans go through so much to get to where there at today and it’s not easy to do what they did.
3.Hector Porrata
teens to vote and have equal rights just like adults do so that means you don’t have to be 18 and up you can be 16 and up to vote and stuff.
4. Gabriela Adams
to be careful when you let pressers out of jail because they might end up doing what they’ve done again.
equal rights for very including the ones that are handicap so they should have more respect just like others do.
you should let Muslims work and study into what they please because they shouldn’t be blamed for something they didn’t do and have their dreams ruined they should just blame the ones that were involved
7. Paulette
there should be an age where you have to take the driver listens again because they have been many car reek because of old people who have problems driving only.
you should be able to love and marry who you please without anyone judging you and saying something because you’re different than others.
Everyone need to be treated right no matter how old or who you are because everyone deserves to be treated fairly and equally from everyone in this world just like the handicaps need to be treated equally as well.


The United States has many religions being practiced. Everyone has their own believes and equal rights choose their own religion and to fallow what they like. No one should have to tell anyone what they can and cannot do everyone is reasonably for their actions in life and can form any group they please.

There are many religions in the world that anyone can choose and no one should have to focus you or make you do something you don’t want or like. Now you see that people have more freedom and more rights in the States and after a cretin age you can do what you please. I believe that the Catholics did a good thing by never giving up on what they believe and always stuck it out no matter what they went though and always stayed together as a group because if one of them went down it meant all of them went down. By forming a group makes a big change in the world to start whatever you please and believe in what you like. Being different doesn’t mean anything bad it just means that you’re forming an important group which you believe in and others might as well.

if you stick your mind into something you can do it at the end no one should ever focus you into doing something you don’t like your believe in you should be in control of yourself and your own believes in the world no matter what group your from. Just like the Catholics did they stuck it out and went though it all the way until their goals got accomplished and got what they wanted there still fighting for more rights they believe in and think they should be changed but step by step they’ll get it at the end.

Catholics Today!

Catholics have been though a lot to get there equal rights. They were mistreated by the Ku Klux Klan and other groups as well. They had a small place in the States but now they have a large percent of Catholics all over the world.

Now you can see that Catholics get treated different and earlier with other people. They finely got what they planned for and the respect they needed from people. Of course they worked hard for it but now you see more Catholics around the world. Catholics started getting more respect from people and not getting such a hard time from others they can finely walk around and believe what they please without any harm. Although there were still group that went agents them and still fought agents them the Catholics did not really pay attention to them they stand strong as a nation and didn’t go down since they’ve been through so much to get to where there at today.

Catholics did have a hard time but finely they got there equal rights just like they deserve. They make a large group in the United States now and have their own churches and town. Catholicism is one of the most famous religions in the states now. Finely the Catholics were just as equal as any other group and have the same abilities as them as well.