Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Catholics Today!

Catholics have been though a lot to get there equal rights. They were mistreated by the Ku Klux Klan and other groups as well. They had a small place in the States but now they have a large percent of Catholics all over the world.

Now you can see that Catholics get treated different and earlier with other people. They finely got what they planned for and the respect they needed from people. Of course they worked hard for it but now you see more Catholics around the world. Catholics started getting more respect from people and not getting such a hard time from others they can finely walk around and believe what they please without any harm. Although there were still group that went agents them and still fought agents them the Catholics did not really pay attention to them they stand strong as a nation and didn’t go down since they’ve been through so much to get to where there at today.

Catholics did have a hard time but finely they got there equal rights just like they deserve. They make a large group in the United States now and have their own churches and town. Catholicism is one of the most famous religions in the states now. Finely the Catholics were just as equal as any other group and have the same abilities as them as well.

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